Online Services

Last Updated: 
Thursday, February 10, 2022

Online Services Portal - Apply for Permits, Plans, and Southside Incentives

The City of Paducah Online Services Portal is a 24-hour permitting and service request system. An account is required for permit and plan applications. Use the Online Services Portal to

  • Apply for Southside Incentive Program Grants
  • View permit information and records (permits, plans, inspections, and code cases).
  • Apply for commercial and residential building, planning, and construction permits.
  • Submit subdivision and development proposals, rezoning plans, sign permits, etc.
  • View permit application status and reviews.
  • Schedule, cancel, and view inspection results.
  • Pay invoices and fees for building permits, plans, fines, and liens.
  • Make service requests through the 311 portal.

Online Services Portal

Online Payment Portal for Business Licenses and Property Tax Bills

Payments for business licenses and property tax bills can be made online, in-person at City Hall, or over the phone at 270-444-8513. In addition to cash, check, and/or e-check, the City of Paducah accepts credit card payments.

  • There is a flat fee of $1.50 per payment by e-check.
  • A 3.75 percent service charge will apply on credit card payments. Payment types include Discover, MasterCard, and Visa. The City does not charge or retain this service charge. There is a $2.50 minimum per transaction.

Online Payment Portal

Paducah 311Paducah 311 graphic

Paducah 311 enhances the public’s experience by providing more ways to request a service, report issues, or ask a question through an app and online portal. Paducah 311 is not for emergencies. Call 9-1-1 for emergency situations.

The information can be submitted anonymously. However, setting up an account online will allow for email updates and an efficient way for staff to gather more information if necessary. Once a service request is entered, a tracking number will be provided which can be used for reference. If you need assistance using the app or portal, email the .

Request types that can be submitted through Paducah 311 include

Abandoned Vehicle | Brush Pickup | City Employment | Code Enforcement | Dead Animal | General Finance Request | General Information Request | General Parks Service Request | General Police Request | Right-of-Way Obstructions | Potholes | Program & Event Inquiries | Property Maintenance | Yard Sign Violation

Paducah 311 Online Portal  Click the button. The portal works best in the Google Chrome browser.

How-to Guide for Paducah 311 Online Portal

Paducah 311 - Service Request Portal

Paducah 311 App  Download MyCivic 311 at no charge via the Google Play Store or the App Store. Once downloaded, find Paducah 311 and click “Report an Issue.”

How-to Guide for Paducah 311 App

Watch the video below to learn how to make a service request through the Paducah 311 app.

Additional Online Services

Any at time of the day, there are a number of things you can accomplish through this website. These options may save you time and achieve your goals more efficiently.

Boards and Commissions

Learn more about the various City boards and commissions and find out how to apply if you are interested in serving. 

Bids and Request for Proposals

View the latest request for bids or proposals posted by the City. 

Business License

Apply for a business license or renew your existing license through the Finance Department.

Calendar of Events

View the calendar for upcoming meetings, city-sponsored events, and community events and festivals that may affect access to a local park or roadway.

Citizens' Academy

Register for the Paducah Citizens’ Academy. This is a free academy to learn about the structure of Paducah’s government, projects, and department-by-department operations.

Citizens' Police Academy

Register for the Citizens’ Police Academy through the Paducah Police Department. This is an in-depth free academy to learn police operations and the work to keep our community safe.

Commission Meeting Information

Meet the Paducah Board of Commissioners, view meeting videos, and access agendas, minutes, information packets, and meeting summaries.

Contact Us

View contact information or complete a quick and easy form if you have a question or need assistance.

Construction Permits

Learn which type of projects require city construction permits.

Crime Stoppers (West Kentucky Crime Stoppers)

Submit an anonymous tip to West Kentucky Crime Stoppers.

Docking and Boating

Make reservations for space on the 340-foot Boat Dock strategically located within walking distance of Paducah’s historic downtown.  Dock offers power, water, and fuel (some services are seasonal).

Downtown Development Programs

View the toolbox of downtown development programs that will help you expand, beautify, and grow your business.

Elected Officials

Meet the Paducah Board of Commissioners and contact them.


Sign up to receive news releases and other updates from the City of Paducah.

Facility Reservations

Get the details on how to reserve park shelters and other facilities.

Financial Transparency

The City of Paducah provides a financial transparency portal that makes accessing public financial information more practical and efficient. Interested users can use Paducah Open Finance to navigate through an interactive site to gain a better understanding of the revenues collected and how those revenues are used in providing the best public service to our citizens.

Grant-in-Aid Program

Learn more about the grant-in-aid process and funding that the City provides to non-profit organizations.


Schedule an inspection for your building or construction project.

Job Opportunities

Visit the Human Resources Department to view employment opportunities.

Kick-Start Meetings

Schedule a kick-start meeting to gather key staff members to help you review your potential project for its success.

Live Streaming

Enjoy the convenience of watching meeting live streams including the Paducah Board of Commissioners and Planning Commission.


View various maps created through the MAP-GIS system.

McCracken County Government

Learn about the services and responsibilities of the McCracken County government.

Neighborhoods In Paducah

Learn the name of your neighborhood and more at Neighborhoods in Paducah.

News Releases

Read the latest news from City government.

Oak Grove Cemetery

View burial records and learn more about Oak Grove Cemetery, the city-owned cemetery on Park Avenue.

Open Records Request

Submit an open records request through the City Clerk’s office.

Police Department Records and Reports

Find out how to get traffic collision reports and criminal reports.

Property Tax / Real Estate

Pay real estate and personal property tax bills online with a credit card or an e-check.


Sign up for the City’s curbside recycling program.

Registration for Parks & Recreation Department Activities

Register for various camps, youth sports, adult sport leagues, classes, and special events organized by the Parks & Recreation Department.

Social Media Accounts

Stay informed by following the City’s various social media accounts.

Special Event Permits

Apply for a permit to hold a special event on a public area including a festival, parade, fishing tournament, or 5K run/walk event.

Wifi Hotspots

Find out where to enjoy free wireless hotspots for internet connection.