Paducah Chiefs Baseball Club Needs Host Families for 10th Season

Date of Release: 
March 27, 2025

Opening day for the Paducah Chiefs Baseball Club is in approximately two months. This college wood bat team plays at Brooks Stadium in Paducah during the summer, and the players rely on the generosity of local families to host them for the season.

General Manager Greg McKeel said, “Host families provide the much-needed stability and support for these young players who travel to Paducah to play for the Chiefs. Even though this is for only two months, I have seen host families and players develop relationships that continue for years. They are truly extended family members.”

At this time, several players need host families for the 2025 season which begins Saturday, May 31 at Brooks Stadium.

“Being a host family for one of these amazing players is one of the best experiences that I have had,” added McKeel.

If a family would like to learn more about being a host family for a Paducah Chiefs player, contact McKeel at 270-210-9766 or email McKeel.

Season Tickets and General Admission:  Season tickets for the Paducah Chiefs are available for $200 by contacting McKeel. A season ticket includes all home games and home playoff games. General admission seating also is available at the gate on game days for $6 per game or $10 per game for a chairback seat. 

Sponsorships:  Those interesting in being a corporate sponsor for the Chiefs should contact McKeel. Sponsorship opportunities are available through signage at Doc Hideg Field and through advertisements in the game day program which is provided at no charge to every fan in attendance. 

About the Chiefs:  The Chiefs have a long history dating back to 1903 but were brought back to life in 2016 as part of the Ohio Valley League. The team is overseen by the Brooks Stadium Commission.

Keep up with the action by visiting the Paducah Chiefs Facebook Page or the Paducah Chiefs Website.
