2025 Dogwood Trail Dates

Date of Release: 
March 28, 2025

Updated (March 28, 2025)

The Dogwood Trail dates are set. The Paducah Civic Beautification Board (CBB) announced today that Paducah’s 61st Annual Dogwood Trail will be held March 30 through April 13.

For the past several years, the trail has been held for only one week, but originally, it was always set for two weeks. The CBB believes this will give everyone, residents and visitors, a chance to experience the trail at its peak. Additionally, because of next week’s rainy forecast, the CBB has moved the judging of the trees to April 7 and the Dogwood Celebration at Dolly McNutt Plaza to April 9. Those along the Dogwood Trail are asked to keep their trees lit for the entire two weeks of the official trail dates. The self-guided tour will be available on Paducah’s Dogwood Trail Facebook page Paducah Dogwood Trail Facebook page when the trail begins on March 30.

61st Annual Dogwood Trail Schedule:

  • 3/30 – Lighting of the Trees – Dogwood Trail Begins
  • 4/07 – Dogwood Tree Judging
  • 4/09 – Dogwood Trail Kickoff Celebration at Dolly McNutt Memorial Plaza with refreshments, welcome, and announcement of Dogwood Trail winners at 5:30 p.m. There will be trolley rides at 6 p.m. and 7:15 p.m. The trolley rides are $1 per person and are first come, first served. Please note that South 5th Street will be closed between Washington and Clark streets for the event.
  • 4/13 – Dogwood Trail Bicycle Ride hosted by BikeWorld Bikes and Fitness (809 Joe Clifton Drive, Paducah, KY 42001) at 2 p.m.
  • 5/13 – Dogwood Trail Awards Presentation at City Hall (300 South 5th Street). There will be a reception at 4:30 p.m. with the awards presentation at the City Commission Meeting at 5 p.m.

All local businesses can join in on the fun by putting the dates of the Dogwood Trail on their marquees or signage to welcome visitors to the area and carry this year’s theme “Pink, White and Light” throughout the city. For the latest details and updates for the Paducah 61st Annual Dogwood Trail, including tips for the best ways to light your dogwoods, follow the Paducah Civic Beautification Board Facebook page or the Paducah Dogwood Trail Facebook page. #paducahinbloom #pinkwhitelight